Reviews of top medicines for the treatment of acne.
Best Acne Treatment. Topical Retinoids: Initiation Considerations
• Apply a thin layer to dry skin 30 minutes after gently cleansing.
Rub in gently. {For creams and gels, medication should become
invisible within a minute; if not, patient may be using too much.}
• Begin by applying only on every 3 rd night, moving up to every
2nd night and eventually every night if tolerated.
• In some cases, a shorter application time may be useful.
• A non-comedogenic skin moisturizer (various e.g. Complex-15,
Moisturel) may be applied in the morning to manage skin dryness.
• Sunscreen with SPF-15 or greater protection (e.g. Ombrelle) is
important especially with tretinoin and tazarotene.